How to get rid of papillomas at home

Papillomas are caused by the entry of human papillomavirus into the human skin. In some cases, papillomas do not cause concern, but sometimes they can cause a lot of inconvenience to the wearer: they can be damaged by contact with the skin surface or clothing, bleeding and inflammation. In this article we will talk about how to get rid of papillomas at home.

How to get rid of papillomas on the back at home

What are papillomas

Different types of neoplasms can appear on the skin and mucous membranes of any person: moles, papillomas, warts. Some of them disappear over time, while others, on the contrary, change shape and increase. How do we know which is harmless and which poses a threat to health? If you have such neoplasms, consider them carefully.

The spots are usually in different shades of brown. They appear due to the "transition" of skin cells to the pigment. Soft, pink or fleshy skin lesions are papillomas. Condyloma are limited papillary formations on the skin and mucous membranes that are inflammatory. They can be broad and pointed.

Papillomas and condyloma are caused by different forms of human papillomavirus (HPV), which causes a change in the nature of tissue growth. The virus is most often sexually transmitted. If a woman is a carrier of the virus, it can be transmitted to the newborn during childbirth. It can also be infected "in a household".

Papillomas and condyloma usually occur in areas of skin irritation and friction, skin contact with tissue, in the groin, on the mucous membrane of the genitals, around the anus. Papillomas may not be removed, but doctors still strongly recommend getting rid of them. But condyloma is subject to mandatory removal.

Types of papillomas

How to distinguish a papilloma from similar skin neoplasms? It should be noted that papillomas are single and multiple, flat and convex, but most often in the form of "fungus" on the feet. And this is not a complete list. Which papilloma develops depends on the type of pathogen and there are dozens of major ones.

  • Simple papillomas- Solid, cone-like formations with a rough keratinized surface 1 mm or more in diameter. Often they are numerous, occupy a large place on the body, merge with each other. The causative agent of this type of disease is HPV-2. They can appear everywhere, but most often they are found on the back of the fingers and wrists, in children, as well as on the knees. A single neoplasm may not change for months or even years, but it can also become malignant. The process of spreading papillary polyps is stimulated by an immunodeficiency condition.
  • Flat papillomas- Smooth, flattened bumps of similar skin color, but not matte, but glossy. Their shape is round or polygonal. Manifested by itching, redness, inflammation and pain in the affected area. The causative agents of this disease are HPV-3 and HPV-10.
  • Plantar papillomasIt is a particularly unpleasant and restless variety. Affects only the feet. They are caused by several forms of the virus - HPV-1 (deep lesions), HPV-2 (mosaic warts) and HPV-4 (minor lesions). The initial stage is characterized by the appearance of a small shiny bump, over time it acquires the characteristics of a typical papilloma with convex rings. Often, at the site of formation of a single growth, papillae of the daughter mosaic appear, which look like blisters. They are often mixed with drops, but unlike the latter, which have a smooth surface similar to skin, the formations of viral origin peel off, crack, and swell.
  • Filiform papillomas- It develops more often in people older than 50 years. They develop from small, slightly yellowish bumps. They then grow and turn into elongated dense formations up to 6 mm in size. These types of neoplasms do not go away on their own.
  • Genital warts- The result of HPV-6 and HPV-11 infection, localized in the genitals and transmitted exclusively through sexual contact. They can be flat and pointed.

Why is it necessary to remove papillomas?

Before you wonder how to remove a papilloma, it is important to understand why this procedure is necessary. The virus itself can not be thoroughly cured, only it can be suppressed. At the same time, the effects of human papillomavirus require radical elimination such as removal. Pharmacological agents are also used for this, but most often surgical techniques and treatment of papillomas with special substances such as nitrogen.

There are two global reasons why papillomas require removal:

  • Ignoring the problem is fraught with increasing the focus of the disease - be it one papilloma or several foci, if left untreated the papillomas will multiply over time;
  • The presence of papillomas is accompanied by discomfort - firstly, it is aesthetically unpleasant and secondly, it is unpleasantly tactile; Papilloma removal is available and effective today to forget about this problem;
  • Papillomas are easily damaged and it is unpleasant and dangerous - a flat papilloma can also be damaged by a simple scratch on a specific area of skin, but if the papilloma is convex or on the feet, the damage is even more likely; Because the papilloma contains the virus, its damage or infection does not proceed smoothly and even carries the risk of ending in a malignant tumor;
  • Benign papillomas can eventually turn into malignant tumors of the skin - first, there are several oncogenic types among HPV, and second, any lesion (as mentioned above) increases this likelihood.
Cauterization of papilloma on the finger

Origin and nature of infection

Papilloma or PVI (human papillomavirus infection) refers to viral infectious diseases. Characterized by the appearance and development of wart-like rashes on the skin and mucous membranes "on the feet", sometimes they can be on a broad base. The surface of the neoplasm is uneven, somewhat resembling a miniature head of cauliflower.

The color of the papilloma varies: from white to dark brown and can appear anywhere: on the face (around the eyes, eyelids), under the arms, on the neck, décolleté, in women under the breast. Papillomavirus is often found on the mucous membranes of the mouth, pharynx, paranasal sinuses, and even the vocal cords. There are cases when PVI is found in the gastric mucosa, bladder, but most often it settles on the genitals.

No matter how much you are convinced that 80% -90% of the world's population is infected with human papillomavirus, one cannot ignore its appearance and take action. Normally, the immune system is primarily involved in the fight against this virus and successfully fights it, not allowing it to cover the entire body. But currently few can boast of a healthy and strong immune system, so PVI attacks more and more aggressively.

It is generally accepted that the papilloma virus accumulates in the human body and begins to progress under favorable conditions (decreased protection, stress, etc. ).

How does human papillomavirus infection occur?

Most often during sexual intercourse without a condom, sometimes by household means. The virus can live in the human body for many years without any symptoms. Exacerbation is usually observed with impaired immunity or protective functions of the nervous system. Smoking, alcohol consumption, pregnancy and hormonal changes can also provoke the appearance of papillomas.

How dangerous are papillomas

Unfortunately, some forms of papilloma virus can cause cancer. In 5% of cases, genital warts actually degenerate into malignant growths. But even if papillomas are benign, most often women experience discomfort because of this, they find it aesthetically unattractive.

Over time, the growths on the genitals may increase in size and close the entrance to the vagina as well. This causes terrible discomfort.

How to treat papillomas at home

Because of the prevalence and urgency of the problem, many patients are wondering how to get rid of papilloma at home without risking health. This issue requires a rational and responsible approach, as many medicines and folk remedies have many contraindications and do not always show 100% effectiveness.

If you still decide to treat papilloma at home, it is recommended to first consult a doctor, who will not only make a final diagnosis, rule out the possibility of confusing the skin defect with other diseases, but also recommend the best home correction techniques. .

There are two main directions for removing papillomas at home:

  • Correction of healing neoplasms using pharmaceutical products;
  • Treatment of papilloma virus with folk remedies.

We will try to analyze the main aspects of both methods, as well as determine the best technique method for the treatment of papillomas and warts.

Get rid of papillomas with home remedies

The modern pharmaceutical industry offers patients a mass of formulations that show some effectiveness in treating papillomas and warts.

The most popular substances are called cryopharmaceuticals in medicine, which provide rapid freezing of the skin defect, causing its painless separation from the epidermal tissues. The use of such formulations to remove papillomas at home should be done with extreme caution, without affecting healthy tissues and skin structures.

As a convenient form of medicine for the destruction of epidermal neoplasms, special plastics (adhesive tapes) are produced, which are impregnated with certain compounds. Such "stickers" are applied to the wart or papilloma and removed after three hours with the growth of the skin. Ointments and gels can also have some effect, but with the help of pharmacy products the probability of getting rid of papillomas at home is not more than 50%.

Internal folk remedies for the fight against papillomas

When any dermatological problem appears, the main task is to cleanse the body of toxins, restore normal liver function and boost immunity. This principle is used in both traditional and official medicine. Also, great attention should be paid to the proper functioning of the intestines and the removal of toxins.

At home for this purpose we can use milk seed powder, which has a beneficial effect on liver cells, restores them and the work of the entire gastrointestinal tract. It is recommended to take such powder without boiling, but with water. Take a teaspoon three times a day without food.

Milk thistle seed powder for papillomas

A natural detoxifier with a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect is a collection of nettle, horsetail, lemon balm, grass leaf and dandelion root. After mixing all the components in equal parts, the infusion is made from three tablespoons per collection per liter of water. Also take three tablespoons before meals. The course of admission is 7-10 days.

Echinacea and rose infusions will help support the immune system and help it cope with the problem faster.

Treatment of papillomas with folk remedies

Traditional medicine offers lots of recipes that are time-tested and also have some antiviral and destructive action. When choosing a folk remedy for papillomas you should pay attention to the following compositions:

  • Potato juice.By consuming 100-200 grams of fresh potato juice every morning, the patient strengthens the immune system and improves overall health, which will not only help you get rid of established papillomas, but also prevent the emergence of new growths.
  • Celandine from papillomas.The tool is based on the chemical destruction of neoplasms with an acid rich in celandine juice. For the procedure, in addition to the juice, you can use the leaves or infusion of this plant purchased at the pharmacy. Manipulation involves the drip of celandine products into the epidermis defect every two days, leading to the rejection of the neoplasm. When treating papillomas with celandine, precautions should be taken to avoid the use of the agent on healthy tissues.
  • Treatment of papillomas with iodine.Approximately 3 grams of iodine are mixed with equal amounts of aspirin and boric acid and mixed with alcohol. Regular use of such a composition on papilloma will lead to its elimination. Iodine-based folk remedies for warts and papillomas can not be used on the eyelids, as well as on the mucous membranes.
  • Treatment of papillomas with garlic.The technique involves the daily use of a garlic clove at the site of epidermal growth. These kinds of regular manipulations promise to save the patient from papillomas of any localization, especially around the hands.
  • Treatment of papillomas worm.Treatment of papillomas with worm-based folk remedies is aimed at strengthening the general condition of the body and, in particular, immunity. Decoction of wormwood, tricolor violet and dill seeds is an excellent general tonic and immunostimulant.

Before choosing a folk recipe yourself, we must understand that it is impossible to completely and definitively treat human papillomavirus with folk remedies, and all of the above compositions may not be effective for a particular patient.

Modern medicine offers a universal, safe and painless way to get rid of papillomas based on laser exposure. Laser therapy is widely used both in our country and in European clinics, which allows you to get rid of papillomas once and for all without leaving scars and scars on the skin.

How to remove a papilloma from the genitals

The main thing to know and remember: Papilloma can not be removed independently. No way! Forget traditional methods - they increase the risk of malignant transformation. If you suffer from genital warts, consult your doctor. Moreover, today there are several methods of removing it.

First, there are drugs for external use that slowly destroy papilloma cells.

Second, antiviral injections are sometimes used to induce the formation.

Third, the removal of papillomas is carried out using both surgical excision and more modern methods - for example, the method of radio wave.

Remember that papillomas can be removed from the genitals only after diagnosis - the doctor must make sure that the genital warts are not malignant and their removal will not cause a lot of health problems.

Useful tips

  • Since papilloma can grow from a benign growth to a malignant growth, it is essential to get rid of it as soon as possible. However, keep in mind that removing it does not guarantee that you will completely get rid of the infection. It can live in your body for several years and you may find yourself rediscovering this nasty neoplasm on your body or mucous membranes.
  • By no means do I want to convey that I recommend for the mother to be inactive. Do not use a string to remove a papilloma by attempting to shred or cut it. The most you can do is lubricate with celandine juice.
  • If you find papilloma in yourself, consult a specialist - a dermatologist. He can approach this problem from a professional point of view. Depending on where the papilloma originated, your doctor will refer you for its removal.
  • Such surgery is performed under local anesthesia. It does not require hospitalization. Now this procedure is performed in many cosmetic establishments; Its time usually does not exceed 30 minutes. The place where the papilloma was healed quickly, after 2 weeks the traces will no longer remain.
  • The most common ways to remove papilloma are freezing and laser treatment. Moreover, laser therapy has the shortest recovery period. But it is better not to use chemicals - because you risk getting serious burns, which can lead to scarring. If you want to get rid of papilloma with nitrogen burn, be prepared for the fact that you will need a large number of sessions to achieve the desired effect.
  • To prevent papillomas from forming on your body, do not neglect simple but effective measures to prevent this virus. Try to take immunomodulators and multivitamins. Follow good hygiene and have a different sex life.

As mentioned above, in most cases the virus is sexually transmitted, so to avoid casual intercourse, use barrier methods of contraception. Strictly follow the rules of personal hygiene, as it is possible to "contaminate the household. " A healthy lifestyle and strong immunity will allow you to avoid the appearance of papillomas and genital warts.