Where they come from genital warts and how to get rid of these?


Almost everyone of us, at least once in his life faced with a genital warts – rough bumps, which hit the hands, fingers and feet, the legs, the underarm area and some other areas of the body. Usually, the cause of these benign tumors is the human papilloma virus (HPV), which attacks every second inhabitant of the planet.

What you need to know about HPV;

Under HPV today understand a group of viruses (over 100), which settle in the tissues and environments of the human body, from time to time can manifest in the form of simple, flat, genital warts (in fact, genital warts). HPV is most often transmitted through contact with a deficit to cover infected, through towels, shared clothing, as well as sexually transmitted diseases. It's the virus can easily get stuck in the bathroom, sauna, swimming pool, changing rooms, gym and other public places with high humidity, and dubious sanitary conditions. Penetration into the body, the virus give you joy for always and a full recovery, unfortunately, is not.

In addition, in the body of an instrument at the same time can accommodate several dozens of strains of HPV. With the presence of a strong immune system, and the absence of chronic diseases, the hpv virus can dwell in a place and again, no one shows. However, in the case of weakening of protective functions of the body, HPV can claim for yourself in the form of tumors, increase of body temperature, general malaise.

The biggest problems causing the so-called plantar warts that appear on foot in an area of greater friction during a walk. Genital warts are gray, callus-like seals, which is extremely painful while walking. Extremely unpleasant and genital warts, the removal of which is problematic due to the thin skin in the area of detection.

For the treatment of HPV today, especially used antiviral drugs, and immunotherapy, although, as we have already pointed out, to get rid of the acquired virus for always today is not possible.

Medical techniques in removal of warts

In modern dermatology for the removal of tumors in the form of warts using several successful methods:

  • Cryosurgery. Burning benign neoplasms with the use of liquid nitrogen. Quite a few procedures for the complete removal of warts. The process is quite painful, as the frozen nitrogen in contact with the skin, with a temperature of - 196 degrees Celsius. Of the disadvantages of the methodology we note the difficulty to control the level of frost during cauterization, and also possible the appearance of a scar in the area of remote genital warts.
  • Burning laser. Is made layer-by-layer removal of accumulation with use of local anesthesia medical laser. This method is less traumatic, and therefore, cosmetic defects in the position of genital warts, usually does not occur.
  • Electrocautery. On the basis of the methodology – impact on the affected area of the skin high frequency current. With a deep burning roots warts after healing of the wound can occur scar.
  • Surgical removal. It is used very often, usually with a deep place of roots accumulation. After the resection of the body genital warts, the surgeon makes stitches, after which it remains visible scar. Innovative option – the so-called radiowave surgery, assuming that removing warts using high frequency radio waves (3,8-4,0 Mhz).

Burning in the house

Remove ordinary warts can at home. For these purposes, it is most often used cosmetic pharmaceutical compositions, which are constructed on the basis of the natural celandine or active alkali.

Prior to the removal of wart to protect the healthy skin directly near the affected areas should apply a thin layer of a children's cream or vaseline. Now you can proceed directly to burning. To do this, apply a small drop of the composition directly on the wart and wait for it to dry. A similar procedure should be repeated 1-2 times a day for several days. In the process of this treatment warts will relax, and then is fully revealed, leaving a little colouring at this point, which will disappear after a while.

Using this method of removal of warts and papillomas, we have to be extremely careful. Concentrated alkali, the information contained in these compositions, extremely aggressive, therefore, when a mistake calculating the volume of a single dose during the period of burn-in, the process may go after him myself deep chemical burn, which in the future will get wet and time to heal. The appearance of scars or scars of such mistakes are inevitable.

Initial cryotherapy and therapeutic patches

Try to get rid of warty knots can and with the help of modern medicines, on the basis of the energy with which the special cooling mixture. The temperature of such liquid is - 50-55 degrees Celsius. In compliance with the instructions, the manufacturers guarantee the release of the accumulation in the average, every 10-14 days.

However, these medicines cannot be guaranteed the therapeutic result. Usually show quite good result only when dealing with small, single warts. It is good proven and specifically suffixes, or healing pencils, impregnated with salicylic or acid. The duration of treatment can last you up to one and a half-two months.

Guarantee I will give you one

Despite the wide list of tools and methods, intended for the removal of warts and papillomas, which are caused by HPV, to guarantee the full treatment and the absence of relapses in the future will not do it no expert. Unfortunately, the possibility of secondary the appearance of these growths are quite high. The whole thing in a deep position of the virus in the structure of skin the skin, as well as to the wrong choice of therapeutic methods.

To maximize protect themselves from relapse, you need to constantly maintain the immune system, taking vitamin complexes, try to avoid handshakes with unknown people, watch out for the integrity of the skin (by wearing protective gloves or mittens on production), avoid tight shoes and appearance of corns on the soles stop.


A decision for removal of papilloma, be sure to consult your surgeon or dermatologist. It is not excluded that it could confuse and take normal nevus or capillary differentiation of hemangioma for the level of warts. And burning nevus can lead to serious consequences, up to the appearance of the cancer problems.

A consultation with a specialist, leaving the necessary tests and then, and removal of tumors in the clinical conditions of will allow you to avoid risks and maintain your health.